Tuesday, October 21, 2014

It Will Officially be the Future When We ALL Have Phasers

     What an amazing time we live in today. Modern Society allows us an invisible link to all things at almost any time. As is often the case; that which builds can destroy - but it still boggles the mind to think how far the world has advanced. I cannot imagine where we wil be a scant quarter century from now.

     Today, I completed my documents online to officially attend school in the coming months. I was reminded of the horror stories of my youth when the prospective college students were buried under paperwork, scholarship essays, self addressed stamped envelopes and researching different colleges and courses at the library. Today, from the comfort of my home, I was able to do all that on my wireless connection on my laptop computer while communicating with a college counselor on my cell phone. There may be something to be said for the amount of toil creating a stronger appreciation for the ultimate result; but why suffer just to accomplish a moral victory? It allows many more people access to these things they didn't always have the time and patience to pursue. Incliuding me.
      I was also struck today with how the OVER abundance of the internet could still lead many to pursue traditional sources like books, magazines and experience. There are so many varying opinions and opinions posed as fact that it can become dizzying trying to research niche ideas and topics that are emotionally charged in some fashion. Addiitionally, the integrity of the peace is often in question with the varying skill levels of many internet writers. A "good ol' fashioned" book is still a labor of love (in many cases) that take time, effort, revision and an approval process to get out to the masses. E-Books notwithstanding, dealing with a publisher and angling to be released through traditional book sellers seems to provide a better caliber of book. For now.
     Another thing modern technology allows for is the possibility of a world with minimal crime. The fact is that NOTHING in todays America (and spots throughout the World) goes on without the hint of technology being there to record the event. Crazy will always be crazy; so there is no way we can every fully hope to eliminate bad things happening to the rest of us. However, at some point all this random, spur-of-the-moment convenience crimes will end when people of questionable character realize the odds are that they will be discovered - by video, dna, computer research or "traffic light camera". I don't know if the long feared thought police will ever come to pass; but judging on the current day; I wouldn't bet against it. 
     The juxtaposition in all this is how the primary tragedies in modern culture come from when Techniology fails us or is used against us. Data breaches take the traditional identity theft and make it possible to ruin a series of lives in one fail swoop. Planes crash or just disappear out of thing air; cars are being recalled for any of a number of potentially hazardous failings; the government is finding next and exotic ways to use technology to control and monitor us. It would be very simple to make the obligatory 1984 reference; but I think that, is left unchecked, it could become something far sinister to that. When the Xbox One came out, my best friend and I made a number of jokes about how this machine can do so many things by voice - an ever growing mechanism to keep us sedentary and depedent on a machine. It seems alarmist or far fetched to say so; but consider what we as a NAtion have become with two simple innovations : the remote control and cell phones. When was the last time ANYBODY climbed out of their seat to change a channel? How many people even remember the days of local channels and turning the knob for your channel? Or who can recall waiting at home for a call to come? So many today cannot fathom the idea of having to wait to communicate - with texting and calling from anywhere and emails - nothing is needed to fulfill immediate gratification. Ironically, as we are able to complete tasks more rapidly; many feel there is never enough time to do the things they want to do. Our tools are forcing us to aspire to do too much and causing us to tear ourselves down from the inside.
      Technology and society moving forward is a much needed catalyst in our evolution as a species. What was once man acquiring fire and later gunpowder will one day be looked upon as this transition in our civilizations' growth. More than ever, people have an opportunity to experince more and do more than at any time in the history of mankind. It is also imperative for us all to grow ourselves as human beings and people; not to just rely on the external stimulus that moves us through the minutes and days of our lives.
       Days of Our Lives. Heh.

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