I am a person who has some degree of ADD. People have often given me the credit as a great multi-tasker; but in reality I can't really do just one thing at any time. When I read, I have music on. When I do my schoolwork, I have music or youtube or something to distract me when I need a momentary break from the reading.Hell, when I go to bed, I need some sort of background noise in order to quiet my mind and get rest. It falls into the obsessive category; I am never doing just one thing - unless that one thing is fun (and still generall includes many stimuli). The wife and I joke sometimes that I am more at home in a strip club then I am in a library. It isn't a joke, though. Dancers, drinks, blinky lights, music and people watching put me in the place of calm. LIbrary leaves me to red or study..... where thoughts tend to sneak in from the back of my mind and distract everything into a mired mental mess. The problem is, even when I multi-task, when I need to concentrate (on school work, for example), the distractions can sometimes discombobulate me and cause me to have to reread the chapter or pause the distraction to get things in place to continue. It's hard to know which works best; as they both can cause similar detriment. In the end, though, I am most comfortable with my distraction and my "job". Perhaps it's some Pavlovian effect I have acquired over the years; but it's what I feel comfortable with. I'm not sure if others can relate; but it is frustrating sometimes. Just sayin'.
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