Saturday, November 29, 2014

A Month of Writing - The Penultimate Collection!

     Prompt was about "the same"

The Song remains the same

I never wanted to speak
Fom my Father’s voice,
“What is this crap you are
Listening to?
I remember when music was
Created by a band,
Not a computer.”
Each generation has their mantra
That remembers another time,
Another style and another tune.
That said, I can’t do it
The top 40 sounds like one
Long symphony of the same
To me.
Be it Nicki, Beyonce’ or Taylor
It all bleeds into a uniform tune.
I never wanted to be
Considered an elitist,
Nor would I consider myself
A connoisseur;
But II know what I like.
New music has beacons
Of hope,
But the popular ones
Come from a mold that
I cannot come around on.
Either I have become old
Enough to no longer appreciate
Or music has become trite enough
To no longer care.

     An appreciation prompt for our day of thanks.....

Life grants us all many reasons for thanks

Many more rriches than what rests in a bank

A litany of joy delivered in brown bags

Oft forgotten by data on store tags

With the bleed of life from one day to the next

Intentions veiled behind an email or text

Emotions leave our hearts and minds vexed

Yearning for something to happen

Appreciate the simple moments in life

A simple night spent with a lover, alone

A call from mom at Christmas by phone

Cuddling by the blaze with a favorite tome

A wonderful forest of garnet majesties

A home filled with many aromatic cheeses

The best friend at work full of teases

A warm bubble bathe always pleases

Cherish the moments that come to you

Rejoice in the plethora of simple pleasure

Live with your eyes open to what is new,

While holding tight to what is your's forever.

     A prompt for "_ News"

Breaking News

I don't know how to tell you

But, she is gone.

Physically, not yet

You still share a house.

Mentally; more of the same

Enough to get by,

But nothing more than

is necessary.


Your souls never quite gelled,

Even though your lives 

Became the same.


She has left you at the

Bus station of solace.

No scheduled stops;

No forwarding address.

And lastly, Today's prompt, "Do it again"

Flowers have flown,

And cake has been cut,

The buttons let loose

An hour ago.

Words given,

Hopes built,

Forever gleaming

In your eyes.

The din of music

Envelopes us;

Friends and family

Celebrate us;

We have become us.

On this day of love,

"I do," only hours old,

All I can think of is

How I want nothing more

Than to do it all again.

With each passing day,

I will live my vows

To you for always.

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