Sunday, January 31, 2016


You never imagined me
Yet here I am at your door
Hands resting upon the floor.
I'm not asking for your obedience
Or looking for novel way to kill time;
I want to start a tale with you
That ends only when I do.
Void of life's venomous creek
Let us find happiness together
Let us seek solace 
Within our home
Let us discover comfort
In a night's subtle embrace.
It's not that I need someone -
It's simply that I need you.
Many people have driven
Sadness from the core
Of my eternal being,
But the majesty of your
Hair gleaming in sunlight
Is one of my great wonders.
The gentle pattern of your sleeping
Is more soothing than any
Beast has fallen to before.

Thus she spoke:
"What of my faults? What if I hurt you?
What if I cannot give you enough
To stay?"

I will grab your hand in my own
And run forth into life's expanse,
To leave our every moment
Exhausted and exceptional.
We will have trials in its time
From the external and internal,
But I could never be better off
Without you occupying my space.
I could never truly smile
Without having you to look forward to.
I could never truly live my life
Without you as my darling wife.


Warmth cascades over me
Cleansing of the spirit
Stoking desire.
To exist is to want,
And in this truth
I have been cursed
By the consistency -
Coated in salvation
With each success.
What do you want?
I can't do enough
To satiate you;
I can't be enough
For you to take pride in;
I can't accomplish enough
To find needed validation;
I can't feel enough
To find a foothold
Amongst clay soil.
I count on you
To shine my name
When the shroud creeps.
Solitary and subdued
Finding a voice from within:
Me, myself......
And I.