Work is going amazingly well. I have been a lot of help to those I am tasked to assist; and no one has lost their cool. As Hannibal always said, "I love it when a plan comes together..."
The eating is going well.... I occasionally fall off the wagon but I maintain more often than not - hopefully providing my darling the support she needs. I have made enormous strides in changing my eating habits; and my body feels better for it. I can literally go days at a time without soda. Unthinkable in my old world. Toto, ,we ain't in Kansas (Cokesas?) anymore....
A limerick-
"Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish to gosh he'd go away"
And a finisher-
A chill overtakes
As I lay my
Weary head
So far away
You slumber
So very close
You rest
Behind my
Nothing compares
To the way you
Hold me in the
Middle of night
Wake me
Each morning
With a kiss
Calm me
When the
I shall close
My eyes
And journey into
The Dreaming
Hoping to find
A nights
Dreams eternal
Looking for
So that we may
Play in another
Dimension as well...
Good night, My Love
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