Thursday, December 11, 2014

Can I Sell Them the Brooklyn Bridge?

     What has happened to the society we once lived in here in America? When did everyone become so victimized that they couldn't be bothered to understand that life is tough; people are harsh; and being unusual draws negative attention? It is so disappointing to see one day after another of news feeds that cry out for social change that is not only not realistic - it's downright criminal. I can't understand where LOGIC has gone to die it's lonely, apathetic death.

      So a poor young man here in California recently took his life after continual bullying. There are so many things wrong in this story - here is a young man who was into fashion and cheerleading - not the most masculine things - and encouraged by his parents to be open with it. How could these parents not understand that kids who are all growing up and discovering their place in the world would find the behaviors of their son as very odd. The unusual kids are always singled out and attacked. Growing up, I was always a head taller than everyone else and I was teased unmercilessly for being TALL. My first girlfriend was rather busty at 9 years old and SHE was teased by boys without pity - for a physical trait that we all grew up to desire! Generations of children have teased and tortured and terrorized one another; but these latest generations have suddenlybeen decried by parents for these behaviors. Have parents forgotten what it was like to be a kid? Expecting children to stop bullying is a fool's folly. In the internet age, ADULTS are picking on one another - rioting in the streets and calling out other's they don't particularly care for. This isn't wonderland, people. Do I defend bullying? No. That said, show me a way to monitor children constantly. Show me a way to keep them from being teased in social media (minus keeping them off it altogether - so they can be teased about that). Any time a child dies - by their own hand or someone else's - it is a terrible tragedy. Parents have to prepare their children for REALITY, and hope for better with their children in their dealings with other kids. But to expect that your child is going to stand out in such stark contrast and not prepare them for the ensuing onslaught is insane - children don't know how be resilient unless we teach them. Children don't know this won't last forever unless we tell them. However, children will be bullied at some point; no matter what. The smart kid, the pretty girl, the tall kid, the jock, the cheerleader. Everyone has something that will put them in another child's crosshairs. There is certainly a point where kids go "too far". Just like adults, those childrens exaggerated actions should be noticed and dealt with harshly. We will never have a community of kids who sing "Cumbaya" and appreciate the differences between them.

       How can we? We as adults can't even manage it with experience.

       For proof, look no further than the "create a story" that Ferguson, New York and so many other sensational stories that have become reasons for ignorance and civil unrest. Is there any basis for people to be upset about the actions that have happened in these different situations? Sure, any time another human being dies, there is a reason to be upset. Then you spread out your vision - looking to all the variables around the situation. Criminals not obeying the law and THEN discounting a police order. That never works out well for anyone. The law of the land is still to be followed until it is overthrown and there is a new law for everyone to follow. You don't get to selectively choose what you will and will not follow. There is no argument in that. Is it a reaspn to die? No. It does cuse a situation to escalate and become something where a mistake or overreaction can cost you dearly. If you don't start something, there won't be anything! Then we have the court of public opinion getting stirred up before there is ANY knowledge. Officers were convicted and the people were victimized before a grand jury had seen the first item from the prosecution. Thus, it began. Outrage on the news; destruction on the streets - destroying the very communities they live in - for what? Who were they hurting? Looting and stealing..... seems like an appropriate response to being upset to these individuals. These events became nothing more than a money grab and a possibility of being on the news for many of these hooligans. Of course, the justice system did what it was set up to do and the evidence went against the notion that so many had held ( and a number of "eyewitnesses" had lied about) and everything got kicked up another level. Now we have "protests" from coast to coast - excuses for disrupting Interstates (none of the motorists had anything to do with this) and more looting and pillaging. It would seem that none of these "protesters" have anything to do; and mob mentality is better than no mentality at all. All of these supposed "sympathizers", and not ONE of them considered raising funds for greiving families or accepting that justice HAS been served. Man on the street knows all. DOn't get me wrong, I know the legal system in this nation can be suspect and downright irritating; but these acts of wonton violence and anarchy take away from the cause and make everyone involved in these situations seem like a roving pack of pirates. I would even go so far as to say they are attempting to BULLY the nation into seeing it their way. But the civilized don't, and never will. Right or wrong - Justice has spoken. The uneven hand of being irate over African American male deaths (only outrage when a white person does it; but racial violence is an EPIDEMIC in the streets) offers no purpose other than to disrupt and cause people in the very community they were "saving" to suffer.

      I had kept quiet on this because I didn't want to give the Ferguson situation any more publicity than it has already gotten. However, every day in the news is just another story of how people are "victimized" and had no ability to do anything to better their situation. As soon as you feel helpless; you're right. We as a nation have become a chorus of apologists who never look to the initiation of an event; only the aftermath. Bad things happen to good people every day; this is a fact. That is not what these events are. In one case; it was the horrifying story of an innocent kid being left to fend for himself in a hostile world. Parents that refused to use their experience to keep this kid from the untold horrors of childhood that so many of us endured. In another, you have criminals pressing a bad situation into a Deadly one. Untill we, as a nation, can hold those who start the process accountable; there will never be TRUE justice for any of us.


Monday, December 8, 2014

C. M. Punk Takes His Ball and Goes Home

     I have been a huge C. M. Punk mark since back during his TNA tenure. In Ring of Honor, I became a life long fan of his for his work rate, his promos and his amazing matches night after night. If you came to this post looking for me to get on Punk's case about his decision to leave WWE and has now landed in UFC, you are going to be sorely disappointed.

     Yes, Punk took his ball and went home - he left a scheduled appearance hen he had enough.That said, sometimes in life, we as people need to stand up to an unfair tyranny and say "no more". Consequences be damned, when it is time to stand for what's right - you have to have the courage to do what your heart tells you to. Kudo's Punk, on being a MAN. He broke his silence last week on his Best Friend's podcast and spent 90+ minutes mesmerizing us all with the true look from the inside of WWE. He was bukkied, he was overlooked, he was unappreciated and now he's moving on to the BIGGER company to see if he can make a mark. C. M. Punk will never read this blog; but I am proud of him a a man and a potential role model for young men today. 

     I do hope that one day (after his UFC journey), he might decide to come back to WRESTLING (not sports entertainment). For months I had imagined him living up to his initial "pipe bomb" - returning to Ring of Honor or New Japan to show how great he is. Financially, it would appear he has no reason to do so. Personally, he has nothing more to prove to the wrestling world or these orginizations. However, to hear so many wrestlers speak, it never really leaves your blood. After all the things he had to overcome - moving through the territories, being saddled with the "internet" tag upon his initial step into the WWE perversion of ECW, from being held down as a mid-carder for so many years before he finally got a chance to show what he had stored, to finally being the best in the world and being given the ball to run with for over a year! What a fantastic talent. I will always have "The Summer of Punk" dvds to remind me why I love this SPORT.

      I wish you good luck in UFC, Phil. I think your intelligence, eloquence and talent will make you as popular a draw as they have had in that federation since Chuck Liddell. Tear it up, win a title and show the world that some people are bigger than any bully - even the mega corporation with a promoter at it's head pushing people around. I look forward to your "Plunge". Godspeed!

     Heyman guys quit - to go conquer the world.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Time Past

     It occured to me today how wonderful and how perspective driven time truly is.  the effect of mood on time has been discussed so many times and ways throughout the centuries. Days pass, one into the other, at such a smooth pace that I barely even notice the movement of the calander until a holiday or momentous occasion arises to break up the ebb and flow.

     It would seem that when the mind is in a good place mentally, time seems to fly by! I was watching ESPN Today (because, College Football Championships!) and I saw that women's college basketball was in swing. It floored me for a moment because it seems like the Championship game for Basketball was just yesterday! Six months flying by; with so many great moments but not that feeling of time passing - just moving from one great moment to another and living in each and every one of them. Even my first five weeks of school comes to a close this coming Tuesday! There is a certain life comfort in being content.

     The movement of months is such a far cry from the horrible days of the past. There was a time when six months felt like an eternity - I couldn't even REMEMBER that far because so much happened at every turn. When your every day is an emotional ride peppered with constant stress and the ever present fear of misery, every day is a long, winding road to passing out and hoping not to have to do it all again the next day. Choas plays with an emotional mind; and I am so happy to no longer be in that place of disease. It took a long time; but waiting paid off with the (beginnings of) the life I always knew I was capable of - with the right support system. My dollface rules all!

Thursday, December 4, 2014

Fascination or Fixation?

     Thing as of late are a little hectic, and I am hoping to get back on pace with my blogging this week. I hope everyone else had as wonderful a holiday as I did -maybe not complete with the circus, but to each his own. My sis has returned to her current place of residence; but a new excitement is peeking over the horizon...... The Boy is coming. "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." they say. In this particular facet I would agree.

     I could do without the Christmas songs, however.

     The wife and I have been watching an incredible anime on Netflix called "Death Note". After hearing about it in the nerd circles I have run for years, I finally have had a chance to watch it and: wow. It's a fascinating story and an even more fascinating concept tackling the human condition and ethics. (Ironically, my school work this week also covered ethics and morality. Coincidence???? Probably.) While there are certainly some Deus Ex Machina moments, it is a gripping tale with deep resonations. We are less than halfway through, and we are both totally enthralled. It's amazing how many animes she and I have watched that have that effect; leading you into your next day thinking and sharing with others about this amazing find. Not to have a nerdgasm here, but anime seems so much better written than many movies that actually are written and produced in Hollywood anymore. Much like comics, I think the fact that they are illustration distracts people from the parables, prose and performance of these majestic pieces. Or maybe it's just the glimpse into foreign mythologies. Whatever it is; I like it!

      The fixation (such that it is) is my work world. The continuation of the end.... where I have so much to offer and to do but don't have the security of knowing when "the end" is near. I think about it all throughout my day: "What is this going to do for me?"; "Will this help the company in the long run?" and ultimately, "Am I leaving this practice in a better place; regardless of my eventual outcome?" It's like being caught between so many levels: What's right vs. What is it worth; Helping those I have grown to like vs. Getting all I can; Not falling into bad habits vs. Lethargy. I don't win the battle every day; but I am trying to stay motivated - to be respectful of the opportunity and be able to look at myself and know that I have done what I was capable of. It's not comfortable living in limbo; but I suppose with my life I could say I have more experience at it than most.

     Throughout it all, I am staying true to my school (work). It is my life mission over the next few years; that one piece of the "required" pie that so many jobs call for. How sad; a document to show I can learn but a lifetime that does not? Everyone talks about conspiracies in life - maybe the shift in the job force came from a College Illumanati? Or people who sell graduation robes? No matter; wisdom is realizing when something else needs to be done for success/ happiness/ inner peace. I will rail against society and it's unending smorgasboard of rules for the remainder of my life; but I too have "bought in" to give my wife and myself a better chance at a life filled with Italy, Coach, Netflix and shenanigans. You can fight the system from the inside - because even though I am using the tools the system calls for; I have not (and will not) change myself or sell my soul. My soul is my window to myself; the degrees and job titles and collared shirts are merely the window dressing that can at times interfere with the view...