Friday, May 27, 2016

But I Like Rocky Road!

     The truth about relationship sex over time is that it's rather vanilla, unless sex is all the relationship is based on. Over the years, gone are the week-long sex fests; the hours long lovemaking that neither your stamina nor your creativity can keep up with; the tension of the choice and new interaction.With all of that said, that's the undeniable beauty of sex over time. 2 hour long lovemaking is to make sure that every move is used to show our ability (to peacock), while years later all of the events have been condensed down to all the best parts; like cutting a film for production. Emotions add to the steam train in the beginning - a furious fire to fornicate without remorse. As things go along, the more tender side of emotions set forth, with even the act itself can seem otherworldly - a charge of static to the spine (and loins, of course). Your partner learns your most sincere likes and dislikes - no more baring with scraping to get to the next level. There is a satisfying oneness in a quick fling that pumps the ego and reinvigorates us (to find a mate). Years later, it is a dance of subtelties, innuendos and approraite actions taken. A soothing, gentle ride that brings peace to your mind and a song to your heart. The chase has it wonder, but long term satisfaction can only be provided by a long term commitment.

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