Monday, June 27, 2016

Screw Your Privilege.

     I think what has gotten away from us as a whole is that we went from wanting to treat kindly (and be treated kindly) by our family and friends, then mistook it to mean everyone has to be nice to everyone. What an absolutely childish mindset, to feel as an adult that anyone should bow to your whims solely based on the personal choice to be 'different' - while seeking to dilute the idea of 'normal' to the point it has become a symbol of hate. Do people just expect to go through life without any inconvenience or even injustice? Why would someone feel they are entitled to me treating them according to their idea of the world in place of my own philosophies?

          We, as a society, need to return to a place where logic was the rule of the day. Some people would need thicker skin, some people's feelings will be hurt, but we will be able to continue to grow as a species. This naive belief that we can walk through life pain-free and without difficulty is a fool's folly that only makes the rest of us suffer. I shouldn't look over my shoulder in the restaurant to be sure that no one is offended, and I will not do so. I will fight for my beliefs and I will fight you for trying to impress upon me your worldview. I won't quietly sit by and be accosted, I will instead fight you and pay the price.

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