Sunday, November 30, 2014

To Manage or to Lead?

     You know what i can't stand? Someone who won't hear the people aaround them; but makes decisions that have long ranging impact for all.Also, a hypocrite. (While we are at it; mushrooms!!) My day (and recent weeks) have been peppered with these ham fisted, silly, unitntelligible dictates from a person who I have to listen to in order to get something I want for as long as I can.

      That fact does not make it any less a pain in the hiney.

       How many people out there have a boss that seems to make decisions that no one else approves of or understands? I would assume a lot of you, many of those in the "blue collar" demographic have to put up with some well educated (but not generally sensible) talking suit that just doesn't get what we all know inherently. Often these people are not aware of how they are truly seen by those they deal with; they just take things at face value becuase - who could not like them for bringing you a mirror with the company logo on it - to remind you to smile? Then, we, the people, try to diplomatically say that there wil be a negative downstream effect; to no response. What woud the people who actually do the work each day know; right?? We don't have our little degrees and a nice desk or a cool title.

      What we have is a true understanding about what it takes to do what we do every day.

      It's easy to sit on that high horse and talk about all these theories you learned in school (many of which ONLY work in a perfect world), expecting to be met with great vigor and thanks by the little people. Then they move on to their next "cause", assuming the success of the process. How can it not succceed?? ECO/ 201 says this works! Learning without experience/ sense/ true understanding is arrogance. Come down for a day and do what I do - don't ask my boss. Learn the realities of this job and this moment - don't just place a blanket idea on all problems.

      And a smile and an "'Atta Boy!" will not make up for not listening. I would rather be heard than praised.

     Nonetheless, I keep paddling. The future is uncertain, and for now the price I must pay is to make it look good; not actually DO any good. I have been told many times by those I was charged with working with that I would be a great leader. That's not for me to decide. I think the reason people feel that way is I have NEVER let a title take me away from the fact that we are all working towards the same goal. I am going to class to learn concepts; never to force them on others; but to offer them as ideas and let the people have a say. I have been asked in my current role what I thought it takes to be a leader. My answer would never fly in the annals of "book learnin'", but from my experience: A leader understands the truths of what the people under them are facing. Then offers solutions and makes those under them equally accountable. What does that mean for me in the grand scheme of things? Right now, nothing. I am a cog in the machine that doesn't make anything; but looks nice. In time, however, I hope my years of experience BACKED by a future degree will allow me to do something more. Something greater.

        All I know is, spinning your wheels is a frustrating, helpless feeling. Yet I will spin until I gain nothing more from it.

    The final prompt for November was "inevitable". :)

I've tried every way 
I can think of
To tell you that
I don't want to speak
With you anymore.
Your communications are forceful;
Your demands are needy
And incessant;
You seek to stand in the way
Of my continued growth.
I don't hate you for
What you want;
it just does not mesh 
With what I want more.
Your letters have recently
Grown threatening,
And I am not comfortable
With what you have proposed.
I have some decisions to
Make in order to avoid
The chains you allude to.
Why must you insist,
I want no part of you,

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